Length Operator 



Length operator modifies the length of guides or hair. It can decrease the size of each strand or increase it by making it longer. Length can be specified on a global level or it can vary through the hair structure depending on user-specified map and channel values.





Multiplier for strand lengths. Value of 1 means the length remains the same. Value of 0.5 means the strands will be half as long.


Value Multiplier 

Here you can use a map to control the length of the hair and create different effects. For example, to have shorter strands where the hair merges with the skin.


Minimum Value 

After applying randomization and maps the value will not be allowed to be lower than this parameter. Use this to clamp the size of short strands.


Maximum Value 

After applying randomization and maps the value will not be allowed to be higher than this parameter. Use this to clamp the size of long strands.



Allows adding some randomness to the strand lengths. Value of 0 means all strands will have the same length value applied. Value of 1 will completely randomize applied strand lengths.

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