Getting the C++ SDK 

The following links provide access to various versions of Ornatrix SDK.


Ornatrix V6 

Many things were changed internally for Ornatrix V6, including deprecating many of the old classes. We have also now unified our SDKs for all hosts.

Download up to date Ornatrix V6+ SDK from our website.


Ornatrix V4 

As of Ornatrix V4 we have refactored and consolidated our SDK to be both easier to use and host-independent. This means that you can reuse the same headers on both 3ds Max and Maya.

Grab the SDK here:

Extract it into a directory of your choosing and follow the examples in UsageExample.h for consuming it. If you have any questions please contact us.


Ornatrix V3 

You can download Ornatrix Software Development Kit directly from this page:

Once downloaded extract the SDK archive to retrieve a set of header files. These headers are all that you need to access Ornatrix.


Ornatrix V2 and older 

To request the SDK for previous Ornatrix versions (2, 1.8) please contact us.

Missing Something? Let us know if this page needs more information about the topic.