Create Hair from Mesh Strips
Create hair from mesh strips tool provides setup for a new instance of hair containing the Hair from Mesh Strips operator. This operator allows using static meshes within the Unreal scene to generate hair. The meshes must be either planar or cylindrical and have trivial quad-based topology for producing correct result.
To use this tool select it from the Ornatrix tools shelf and then click on a strip mesh inside the Unreal Editor viewport. A new hair component will be added to the selected mesh and it will contain the Hair from Mesh Strips operator in it. The operator will have the strip mesh selected as one of its strips meshes. You can add more meshes by using the property editor after selecting the Hair from Mesh Strips component.
The added hair component can be used as any other Ornatrix operator stack. You can add more operators on top of it, convert it to native groom, and edit the hair.