Create Parts 

Parts are a feature of Hair from Guides operator which allows separating different areas of a hair groom by preventing hair interpolation between guides. There are different ways that parts can be specified. For example, they can be automatically generated based on the difference in guide shapes or strand groups can be used to define them.

It is also possible to manually specify parts by creating a plane strip on top of the distribution surface. The hair will not be interpolated across these parting strips. This tools allows creating parting strips. Once created, they can be modified inside the Hair from Guides operator.


Creating a part strip 

  1. Select the Create Parts tool in the Ornatrix toolbar
  2. Click on top of a distribution surface which has an Ornatrix hair stack. A new parting strip will be created and displayed in the currently selected Hair from Guides operator component. If such a component doesn't exist in the operator stack it will be added to the top.
  3. Each subsequent click will add a new point to the strip.

Removing last strip point 

Once the strip creation process has started you can remove the last added point by right-clicking the mouse.


Finish creating a strip 

To finish creating current strip press Enter key. Afterwards, subsequent mouse clicks will begin creating a new strip.

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