Hair from Mesh Strips
Hair from Mesh Strips operator generates hair from static UE mesh actors. The meshes must be planar or cylindrical and have trivial quad-based topology. There are various controls for specifying how the hair is created, distributed, as well as for controlling its initial shape relative to the source mesh.
This operator can be created by using the Create Hair from Mesh Strips tool or by just adding it as a component to an operator stack. You can add or remove the meshes used as input strips in the Unreal Editor's property editor when the operator is selected. A single mesh can contain multiple strips.
Every created strip will be represented inside the viewport with a curve along its center, a line denoting the base of the strip, and an arrow pointing at the strip's direction. This visual representation will only be visible when the operator component is selected. You can select it inside the operator stack view.
Strip selection
- You can select one or more hair strips by left-clicking on them inside the viewport.
- Use Ctrl + LMB Click to add to the strip selection
- Use Alt + LMB Click to remove from the strip selection
- Use Select All, Select None, Invert Selection, Select Next, and Select Previous buttons in Unreal Editor's property window to further change the selection
Once selected, you can use the per-strip controls to alter the properties specific to the selected strips.
Per-strip properties
There are properties of generated hair which can be changed for individual strips. These properties are:- Hair count: How many hairs will be generated on this strip
- Distribution method: How the hairs will be placed on the strip (e.g. randomly, uniformly, per-vertex, etc.)
- Volume: If hair shape will be spread relative to the strip's surface normal
- Volume ramp: Controls volume along the strip's length
- Group: Strand group assigned to the hairs generated on this strip
At any time you can use the Reset Override option to revert properties of currently selected strip(s) to the global values.