Strand Multiplier Modifier 


Quick Summary 

Strand Multiplier allows you to create multiple hairs per root based on parametric input. It can be used with guides or hairs but more commonly would be used on hair. Hair can be duplicated a number of times using the Count parameter and deformed at the root or the tip with the Spread, Fluff, and Offset options.

Use Multiplier operator to add volume to your hair and create effects like vegetation and dense fur.






Strand Group 

If non-0, only strands belonging to this group will be multiplied.


Viewport Percentage: 

Use this parameter to determine how much of the total copies will be shown in viewport, use a low percent to increase viewport performance when using a high amount of copies. This parameter don`t affect the render count.


Random Seed 

Random seed to use when generating values for Spread, Fluff, and Offset parameters



Controls how much twisting is performed by newly added strands around each existing strand.



Percentage of hairs that will generate copies. At 100% all hairs will generate copies. At 50% half of input strands will be copied.



Number of copies that will be generated for each hair.



Controls by how much copied strands are pushed away in local X direction from their original strand.

Use channel, ramp, and multiplier controls to vary this parameter along the surface and the length of the strand.



Controls by how much copied strands are pushed away in local Y direction from their original strand. Use together with Spread parameter for volumetric spreading.

Use channel, ramp, and multiplier controls to vary this parameter along the surface and the length of the strand.



Controls how the points of copied strands are offset in relation to the original strand along their local X axis.

Use channel, ramp, and multiplier controls to vary this parameter along the surface and the length of the strand.


MaxScript Access 

You can access Strand Multiplier modifier via its MaxScript interface. For example:

-- Get MaxScript interface
strandMultiplierInstance = $MyHairObject.modifiers[#Ox_Strand_Multiplier]

You can use standard properties exposed by showProperties strandMultiplierInstance to access and change this modifier.

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