New in Version 2 


New Operators 




Removed Operators 

  • Hair Clustering
    This operator is replaced by the new Clumping operator
  • Guide Clustering
    This operator is replaced by the new Clumping operator
  • Render Settings
    This operator is replaced by the new Change Width operator

See Adding Legacy Operators section below to learn how to add these operators in V2.


Loading V1 scenes in V2 

Scenes saved in Ornatrix Maya V1 should generally load without problems in Ornatrix Maya V2. However, there have a been a number of changes and you should not expect the scenes to render out identical in V2 to their counterpart render in V1. This is due to many changes in operators, hair generation, and interpolation. Therefore, if you are in a middle of a project which uses scenes saved with Ornatrix Maya V1 you are advised to finish the project in V1 before starting new scenes and assets in V2.

  • There are a few known messages which will be printed into the script window. These are benign and can be ignored. If you encounter them simply continue working and re-save the scene. These messages are:
    • // Error: line 0: The GuidesFromMeshNode 'GuidesFromMeshNodeX' has no 'crf[0:XXX]' attribute. //
    • // Error: line 0: Node "GuidesFromMeshNodeX" has no attribute "crf[0:XXX]". //
    • // Error: line 0: The XXXNode 'XXXNodeX' has no 'ihg' attribute. //
    • // Warning: Ornatrix: Could not cleanly apply strand channel creation and moficiation //
  • HairFromGuidesNode now uses multi-threaded root evaluation, which means that roots can be generated in different order at each recalculation. As such, any operators which rely on the root order will be affected. This should not affect any current Ornatrix V2 operators. The algorithm for root generation has also been tweaked so the placing of roots can be different from V1 and thus the scenes won't render identically.
  • GuidesFromMeshNode also uses multi-threaded root evaluation. We have also introduced unique strand ids which are used by most operators to apply changes to strands, most notably by EditGuidesShape. To allow loading older scenes, a new "Force Sequential Strand Ids" option has been added and will be turned on automatically for all scenes saved in V1 and loaded in V2. This option turns off multi-threaded root generation and creates sequential strand ids compatible with previous EditGuidesShape change format. Alternative to this option you can also turn on "Remember Root Positions" option before saving the scene in V1.

Loading scenes with Remember Root Positions option on 

Due to an unexpected change, if you used the Remember Root Positions option of Guides from Mesh operator in Ornatrix V1 scene you will need to perform the following steps to open it in V2:
  1. Save your scene using Ornatrix V1 into an ASCII .ma file
  2. Use a tool like Notepad++ to open the .ma scene
  3. Use the Replace option (Ctrl+H) to replace the following text:
    • .crf to .crfv1
    • .crc to .crcv1
    • .crr to .crrv1
  4. Open the modified .ma scene in Ornatrix V2

Adding Legacy Operators 

As of V2 the Render Settings, Hair Clustering, and Guide Clustering nodes are no longer used to specify the strand thickness, and perform clumping. Instead Change Width and Clumping nodes are used for the same purpose, while providing more options and flexibility. However, Render Settings and other legacy nodes are still left in for backwards compatibility. It is not available through the operator shelf or the main menu, but you can still add them to your operator stack by selecting the hair shape and typing this in Maya's MEL scripting prompt:

To add Render Settings:

OxAddStrandOperator( "", "RenderSettingsNode" );

To add Hair Clustering:

OxAddStrandOperator( "", "HairClusterNode" );

To add Guide Clustering:

OxAddStrandOperator( "", "GuideClusteringNode" );

Missing Something? Let us know if this page needs more information about the topic.