
To intuitively aid in styling hair Ornatrix provides a number of "brush" tools which allow click-and-drag movements inside the viewport to alter the hair shape and properties. A brush is displayed as a circle or a rectangle inside the viewport, with ability to control the size of its shape. All parts of hair located inside the brush's shape will be affected by the brush. There are settings to specify how the hairs are affected with respect to how close they are to the brush borders, the hair length, and the direction in which the hairs are facing.

Different brushes may have different settings, however, all brushes share some of the settings. The brush settings are found inside Maya's Tool Settings dialog window.


Activating a Brush 

All available brush tools are located as icons inside the Ornatrix Shelf. Clicking on a brush will activate the clicked brush tool.


Comb Brush 


Modify by Group 

Settings inside this group provide an ability to modify the shape of strands as a group rather than individually. This way relative shape between strands within a group is preserved while the overall shape of the group is changed.

  • Algorithm
    Algorithm used to modify all strands in the same group at the same time. If none, strands are modified individually.
    • None (Default): When selected "modify by group" functionality is off.
    • Linear Space: The points within a strand group are moved linearly in screen-space relative to the group's common stem. Use this option most of the time to get most consistent results.
    • Vertex Skin: The points within a strand group are transformed relative to the closest segment on the group's common stem. The stem segment rotations are taken into account.
  • Stem Relation
    If group modification is used, this determines how points on each strand are modified relative to their common group's stem.
    • Closest Point: For each point on modified strands a closest point is used on the group's common stem
    • Linear: Point is used on the group's common stem is calculated by linearly interpolating the position along the stem
    • By Length: Point is used on the group's common stem is calculated by using the length in world space along the stem

Related Videos 

  • Using the Parting brush:
  • Using Paint brush to color hair:
  • Using Delete brush:
  • Elastic brush:
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