

Automatic Installation (Recommended) 

The best way to install Ornatrix Maya is to download the MSI/PKG/RUN installer for your operating system and use it to configure and perform an automatic installation. The downloaded .run file for Linux needs to be given execute permissions.

Important: Do not rename the downloaded installer file before starting it, otherwise authorizing the plugin may fail.


Silent/Batch Installation 


Batch installing on Windows 

Ornatrix Maya uses MSI packages for deployment and installation.

Use the /quiet or /qn options with msiexec to perform a silent install. Do it from a command prompt with administrator rights.

  • Properties with name MAYA_20XX_INSTALL_PATH can be used to specify the desired install locations for various Maya versions.
  • Properties with name ENABLE_MAYA_20XX can be used to disable installing Ornatrix for specific Maya version. By default all Maya versions present on the computer will be targeted, so one needs to exclude the versions not to target.

For example, this command installs Ornatrix for Maya 2016 but not for Maya 2014 with no UI and no reboot, with a log:

msiexec /i c:\path\to\ornatrix.setup.msi /quiet /qn /norestart /l*v c:\path\to\install.log MAYA_2016_INSTALL_PATH="C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016" ENABLE_MAYA_2014=0


Manual Archive Installation 

In addition to automatic (recommended) install and batch install options, Ornatrix Maya files can be deployed manually by downloading a compressed 7-Zip archive. The download is available alongside the MSI/PKG automated installers on the downloads page. Extract the archive using 7-Zip

To install manually on all platforms follow the instructions in the included Readme.txt file. If installing on a workstation, you will need to set up licensing manually.


Archive Install on Linux 

On Linux the .run file is actually a .xz archive with a self-extraction script attached. It has some options which you can see by starting the .run file with --help. Running it without options will extract the archive into an OrnatrixForMaya sub-folder and start the included installation script, which will ask for confirmation to continue. If you don't allow the installation, you can later install manually the files from the extracted archive, or run the script like this: sudo ./ ../ $HOME . The first parameter must be the original name of the downloaded .run file (optionally with a path), otherwise licensing won't work and you'll have to install the licensing server separately.


Installing a Floating License Server 

Floating license server allows you to store multiple licenses on the same computer (server). Workstations can connect to this license server via its IP or network address to obtain licenses temporarily and release them when they are no longer in use. This permits an arbitrary number of workstations to share licenses between them.


All Licenses Unassigned 

To install a floating license server please make sure that all of your licenses are unassigned for the product in question. If you never installed the license server for current product you do not need to worry about this.

  1. Go to the downloads page and look under the version which you are trying to install.
  2. Find the "Unassigned Licenses" text and check if all of your licenses are yet unassigned (the numbers should be equal). If that's true, you are ready to proceed.

If the number of unassigned licenses is less than the total number, please contact us for instructions on how to reset your current hardware locks.


Install License Server 

  1. Click on the link for you operating system under "Install license server only" and download the installer program to your license server computer.
  2. On Windows run the downloaded .EXE file. It needs administrator rights, so if UAC is enabled you'll be asked for authorization.
  3. On Mac or Linux open a terminal window into the Downloads directory and type
    sh <name-of-the-downloaded-file>.run
    to start the downloaded file. It needs administrator rights, so you'll be asked for your password.

Specify the Network Address of the License Server 

By default the license server will be searched at localhost ( IP) address, thus assuming that you installed it on the same computer as Ornatrix. If it cannot be found at this address you will be presented with a dialog to enter a different IP or network name. Once you successfully connect to a license server, the IP (or network name) of the license server will be stored in the following file:

You can modify the address within this file to change the location of the license server. Alternatively, you can delete it and upon the next start of Ornatrix you will be prompted to add a different address.

You can also modify the name and location of this .txt file by setting its full file path in the ORNATRIXMAYA_LICENSE_SERVER_IP_PATH environment variable.


Installation Directories 

Ornatrix for Maya is installed into a central location from which different versions of Maya can load their appropriate modules. Scripts and resources are shared between various versions of Maya from this central location. You can alter the path of this central directory during installation process. It is recommended to leave it as the default value unless you have a reason to change it.


Installation directories on Windows 

On Microsoft Windows, Ornatrix is installed into C:\Program Files\Ephere\Ornatrix for Maya directory by default. This directory contains the following structure:

  • 20xx - One or more directories for each version of Maya on the computer. Contains actual .mll module that is specific to each Maya version.
  • Icons - All image resource files used by Ornatrix for shelf and other GUI components.
  • Scripts - Attribute Editor templates, MEL, and Python scripts used by Ornatrix.
  • Ephere.Plugins.Autodesk.Maya.Ornatrix.Authorizer.dll - File common to all Maya versions which is required for Ornatrix licensing.

Ornatrix.mod file is installed into C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Modules\maya\20XX directory and references the files from the directories above inside it.

All of these directories and files must be present to ensure proper installation of Ornatrix on Windows.




Uninstalling on Windows 

Use the Programs and Features dialog to locate the Ornatrix for Maya entry. Use the uninstall option to uninstall Ornatrix Maya.


Uninstalling on OSX 


Uninstalling on Linux 

If you used the default installation script, you can uninstall by running (with sudo) the script included in the archive.
To uninstall manually remove the files copied when performing the installation, as described in the Readme.txt file.


Uninstalling the License Server 

Uninstalling Ornatrix will leave the Ephere license server on your computer. It is a separate process which isn't linked to any host and can be reused for future installations. However, if you choose to uninstall it you can do it by following these OS-specific steps here .


Installing different Ornatrix versions on same computer 

While it isn't possible to have two different Ornatrix versions within same Maya installation, it is possible to have two different Ornatrix versions in two different Maya installations. For example, if you have Maya 2019 installed and have Ornatrix V2 installed inside it you can also install Ornatrix V1 in Maya 2018 on the same computer.

This cannot be done using the executable (.msi) installer. Instead you need to download the manual .7z archive containing all Ornatrix files and use the Readme.txt file to place all files into correct places manually.

Please note that some versions of Ornatrix provide assets and grooms which are not compatible with previous versions.

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