Draw Strands Tool 

Available from main Ornatrix shelf.

Use Draw Strands Tool to draw guides or hair strands directly on a polygon mesh. When using this tool with Edit Guides operator below Hair from Guides it will add guides that will be used for hair interpolation. When this tool is used with Edit Guides operator above Hair from Guides it will create hair strands that will not be part of the interpolation.



  • Create New Strands
    When off, no new strands will be added but existing strands can still be edited if Edit Existing Strands is checked.
  • Edit Existing Strands
    When on, clicking and dragging on existing strands will modify its shape.
  • Select Edited Strands
    When on, each strands is selected after editing it.
  • Point Count
    Sets the point count of the created strands.
  • Maximum Length
    Allows limiting the length of drawn strands to a specific value. For example, when drawing very short hairs. @@
  • Conform To Surface
    When on, the tool allows you to draw strands wrapped to the distribution surface.
  • Distance from Surface
    When Draw Along Surface is checked, this parameter sets the distance at which the strand will be drawn on the surface.
  • Use Smoothing
    Resample the created strands to smooth out its vertices.
  • Smoothness
    This parameter sets the smoothing strength when Apply Smoothing is checked.
  • Mirror in World Space
    When on, brush mirroring will be done in world space, otherwise it will be local to the object
  • Symmetry Axis
    When not 'None', all brushing changes will be mirrored across specified axis

Note: See Surface Comb and Clumping documentation pages to learn more about Sink Edit and Clump Edit tools respectively.

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