Particle Display 



Most objects simulated with Lucid are internally represented as particles. This applies to all geometry except for external collision objects which are not represented as particles. There are two ways of seeing the simulated objects in viewport and in render: either as a mesh or as particles which are used for simulating the object. When simulating fluids or grains, for example, it makes sense to show them as particles. As such this option is used by default. When showing other object types like solids or soft bodies, it makes more sense to show them as the final meshes.




Displaying as particles 

If you use the Show as Particles option, a special optimized particle geometry will be used to display your object in the scene. This geometry supports texture mapping and can be rendered. The radius of the particles in the geometry directly reflects the particle radii used in the simulation.

Note: Particle display is supported in 3dsmax 2015 and newer. In previous versions particles are displayed as ticks, due to legacy viewport display code.


Rendering particles 

Regardless of the 3dsmax version you use if you render your scene containing Lucid particle objects these objects will render out their particles as meshes. The meshes do have UV coordinates assigned and can have any 3dsmax material assigned to them. However, the radius of the particles does need to be set before the simulation starts as it will be baked during the simulation recording.

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