Scene management FAQ 


How to remove all Lucid traces from a scene? 

It may be necessary sometimes to clear a scene completely fro any Lucid objects, for example to send it to a client or render farm which doesn't have Lucid installed and avoid the Missing Plugin warnings.

To clear the scene of any traces of Lucid objects execute the following MAXScript in the MAXScript window:

objectsCopy = #()
for i = 1 to $objects.count do append objectsCopy $objects[i]

for i = 1 to objectsCopy.count do 
    local obj = objectsCopy[i]
    if (obj != undefined and ( 
        -- Lucid Display operator 
        (obj.classid[1] == -629533538 and obj.classid[2] == 515064320) or 
        -- Lucid Fluid operator 
        (obj.classid[1] == 2076459537 and obj.classid[2] == 515064320) or 
        -- Lucid Geometry operator 
        (obj.classid[1] == -1076207892 and obj.classid[2] == 515064320) or
        -- Lucid Foam object
        (obj.classid[1] == 1939138682 and obj.classid[2] == 354662196) or
        -- Lucid Mesher object
        (obj.classid[1] == -337991789 and obj.classid[2] == -361310889) or
        -- Flex Settings helper
        (obj.classid[1] == -687842634 and obj.classid[2] == 1279010058) or
        -- Lucid Attachment helper
        (obj.classid[1] == 330120824 and obj.classid[2] == 1201813424) ) ) then
        delete obj 

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