Simulating Rigid Objects 



Lucid can simulate solid objects by creating a particle lattice held together with rigid constraints. The particles in a solid objects can collide with other particles in Lucid regardless of their type. This way, rigid objects can interact with other rigid objects, soft object, fluid, etc.

To create a single rigid object use the Lucid modifier and set its body type parameter to Rigid. Likewise, you can use the Lucid toolbar and apply a Wood or Metal preset to a 3dsmax mesh geometry.

You can use Particle Flow Geometry operator to create many rigid objects based on some geometry instance within the scene. Whether you use PFlow or Lucid modifier you might need to configure the rigid parameters to suit your desired simulation behavior. You can make objects more or less solid, control the size of their lattice, and make them dentable or bendable.


Bending and denting 

If you want to create lasting changes to your objects you need to use the plastic parameters in Flex settings helper. This is a good way to simulate metals and other material types which can bend and dent.

How to create dents in objects (Begin at 6:40)

How to make objects bend persistently (Begin at 5:30)
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